Sunday, 21 October 2012

it was a beautiful fall day

Shining Through
Lonesome Orange

There are some days when I don't feel like getting out of bed. What? Do I hear a collective choir of people going like: "Some days?! How about you try every single day?". Well, if you've found yourself stamped on that category, shame on us, my friends. This Saturday, I woke up and the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, my bed was so comfortable, my feet were so warm...all contributing to a good start of the day. Right? Wrong. I was feeling unmotivated, strange even. I couldn't put my finger on it. I wanted to kick my feet and hide under the covers until I turned 48 {we all have our pathetic moments, people}. you're wondering how these pretty Fall pictures got here, right? I could go on and say a divine force pulled me out of bed and said: "Honey, go enjoy your day", but nope. That was my dad. Then we drove. And drove. And drove some more. And we came across the most beautiful little park where I swear the grass is greener, the air is cleaner, the leaves are prettier. And that, my friends, got me the kick in the bottom I needed. I thought to myself, "Holy Chicago! Look at the prettiness! To think I was going to waste this day and stay in bed. Shame on you, Francisca." I guess what I'm trying to say {and I am trying to go somewhere with this!} is that there's so much to enjoy. The seasons are changing, the air is crispier, the leaves have the most beautiful's Fall, and we should all enjoy the prettiness of it all. Hope you have a wonderful start of the week and that you stop and appreciate the wonderfulness around you.


{ Pull&Bear Jacket
H&M Dress
Zara Booties }

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