I currently use a Canon 600D with an 18-55mm lens. I'm thinking of purchasing a 50mm lens in the future. The camera... Oh, boy. It is hella' neat. Seriously.
All pictures are taken by me. Some of the pictures which have me in them are occasionally taken using my tripod, now that I've figured out how to use it {that was a pain in the bottom ... logistics, man!}. The other pictures of me are taken by my sissy. Oh boy, she's a natural. And probably the only person who still looks at me the same way after I jiggle my bottom for the camera or engage in other equally embarrassing activities. (or maybe not)
All pictures are taken by me. Some of the pictures which have me in them are occasionally taken using my tripod, now that I've figured out how to use it {that was a pain in the bottom ... logistics, man!}. The other pictures of me are taken by my sissy. Oh boy, she's a natural. And probably the only person who still looks at me the same way after I jiggle my bottom for the camera or engage in other equally embarrassing activities. (or maybe not)
I am originally from a tiny town in Portugal and -- you've guessed it -- proud of it. So excited to fly out and start my own life soon, though!
I am originally from a tiny town in Portugal and -- you've guessed it -- proud of it. So excited to fly out and start my own life soon, though!
Yes. I've started University and I'm really excited to about this new chapter in my life. I'm majoring in Journalism, which is something I'm pretty happy about. I mean, hello?! A platform for me to throw all of my verbal vomiting (er...excuse the lingo, pals) into? Hell yeah!
Yes. I've started University and I'm really excited to about this new chapter in my life. I'm majoring in Journalism, which is something I'm pretty happy about. I mean, hello?! A platform for me to throw all of my verbal vomiting (er...excuse the lingo, pals) into? Hell yeah!
Truth be told, I get asked this a lot. Especially by people who live in this small town and refuse to look beyond their fences most of the time. My dreams are big. Bigger than life itself, so big most of my family deems them impossible. Not me, though. Although I don't have a specific explanation, nor do I have a burning motive, I just know that there's where I'll be happy, fulfilled and fully okay with the life I'll lead. And there's the fact it's hella awesome, too. Now Los Angeles...that's where things get down, you know? That's what makes me happy. That's the place I want to call home. And also because I'm from a country where the sun shines a lot. The weather influences you, my friends. It's real. My mood can verify that.
Truth be told, I get asked this a lot. Especially by people who live in this small town and refuse to look beyond their fences most of the time. My dreams are big. Bigger than life itself, so big most of my family deems them impossible. Not me, though. Although I don't have a specific explanation, nor do I have a burning motive, I just know that there's where I'll be happy, fulfilled and fully okay with the life I'll lead. And there's the fact it's hella awesome, too. Now Los Angeles...that's where things get down, you know? That's what makes me happy. That's the place I want to call home. And also because I'm from a country where the sun shines a lot. The weather influences you, my friends. It's real. My mood can verify that.
P.S. - I'd love to go on and on about this, so if you've got anything else you wanna get covered, please do e-mail me. I don't bite. I just get overly excited when I talk about this. Yep...
This question pops up a lot, too. In a way I understand, because I am in fact Portuguese, and I love that. However, writing in Portuguese doesn't fully get my point across. I just find that I write more fluently and more thoroughly in English...and because I love the language like whoa, too. And America. But let's not get into that again. So I probably won't write in Portuguese on the blog. There's a 1% chance I might. But that's something, right?
This question pops up a lot, too. In a way I understand, because I am in fact Portuguese, and I love that. However, writing in Portuguese doesn't fully get my point across. I just find that I write more fluently and more thoroughly in English...and because I love the language like whoa, too. And America. But let's not get into that again. So I probably won't write in Portuguese on the blog. There's a 1% chance I might. But that's something, right?
You know what, I've been meaning to start this blog for a good while. The thing about me is that I wasn't sure who I was at the time (pardon the dramatics, people). I wasn't about to start a blog when I didn't know what I was truly passionate about, because I genuinely believe that if you're going to blog, you should blog about something you love, something people can tell you're absolutely passionate about just by reading your blog. I finally figured out (at least partially... there's still so much to discover!) what I want and who I want to be so it felt like the right time to create this little platform. With this load of babbling out of the way, I want to reiterate that this is not a full fledged fashion blog. I am much more interested in the little things that make up this life, and personal style as well. I want this to be sort of an online journal rather than a less personal approach to blogging.
You know what, I've been meaning to start this blog for a good while. The thing about me is that I wasn't sure who I was at the time (pardon the dramatics, people). I wasn't about to start a blog when I didn't know what I was truly passionate about, because I genuinely believe that if you're going to blog, you should blog about something you love, something people can tell you're absolutely passionate about just by reading your blog. I finally figured out (at least partially... there's still so much to discover!) what I want and who I want to be so it felt like the right time to create this little platform. With this load of babbling out of the way, I want to reiterate that this is not a full fledged fashion blog. I am much more interested in the little things that make up this life, and personal style as well. I want this to be sort of an online journal rather than a less personal approach to blogging.
Got any burning Q's of your own? I've got some pretty burning A's, too! {okay...maybe not}
Anyhow, get 'em off your chest. E-mail me at franciscamayyy@gmail.com and let's have some fun!
Anyhow, get 'em off your chest. E-mail me at franciscamayyy@gmail.com and let's have some fun!
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