Wednesday 22 June 2016

My Go To Bright Lip

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I've talked about my love for the Sephora Cream Lip Stains on the blog before - coincidentally, it's one of my most read posts to date! Now that summer is here and has knocked on our door with a vengeance (at least in Portugal), I thought I'd dig up my favourite bright lip for the warmer days and talk about it on the blog again, to celebrate the summer Sephora sale that started yesterday, the 21st of June!

Já falei dos Cream Lip Stains da Sephora no blog - coincidência ou não, é um dos posts mais lidos de sempre! Agora que o verão chegou em bom e mais quente do que nunca (pelo menos em Portugal), achei que estava na hora de 'desenterrar' o meu batom vivo favorito e falar-vos um bocadinho dele, mesmo a tempo dos saldos da Sephora, que começaram ontem (dia 21)!


In my eyes, Sephora's Cream Lip Stains are the O.G. of liquid lipsticks. Kylie Jenner? Pfft, b*tch please. These are hugely hyped around the blogosphere, because they're super affordable and have stunning formulas and shades. After all this time, I still haven't managed to get my mitts on the very famous #13 Marvellous Mauve - it's perpetually sold out - but I do have two of the shades, my favourite being #2 Strawberry Kissed. This is a pinky red shade that looks STUNNING against paler skin tones, because it makes everything pop so much! I definitely prefer pinkier reds rather than true, bold reds because I find them less harsh. 

Na minha opinião, os Cream Lip Stains da Sephora são os batons líquidos originais da vida. Kylie Jenner? Pfft... A Sephora fê-los (e melhor) primeiro. Ponto número um, são muito mais baratos. Segundo, tem muitas cores e a fórmula é incrível! Ainda não consegui pôr as patinhas no #13 Marvellous Mauve - está permanentemente esgotado - mas tenho duas cores, sendo que a minha favorita é a #2 Strawberry Kissed. É um rosa avermelhado lindão que fica tão bem em meninas com pele clara, dá logo um boost de cor e alegria a qualquer look! Prefiro vermelhos com subtons rosa aos vermelhos vivos, porque acho-os menos 'in your face'. 

IMG_3577IMG_3565These last all day long - you have to pry them off your lips with a strong ass oil - and are a bit drying, but not overly so... Let's face it, every liquid lipstick is drying anyway. You do have to moisturise your lips properly so as to avoid cracks - or 'butt hole' lips, like Jaclyn Hill says - but these look just beautiful on the lips and are super easy to apply. They cost 12,95€ and get the job done as well or better than Kylie's!

Eles duram o dia todo - precisam de um bom óleo para os arrastar dos lábios - e secam um pouco os lábios... Mas qualquer batom líquido o faz, digamos. É preciso hidratar bem os lábios para evitar aquelas rachas terríveis, mas as cores ficam lindas e vibrantes nos lábios e são suuuper fáceis de aplicar. Custam 12,95€ e fazem o trabalho tão bem ou melhor do que os da Kylie!


What's your favourite Sephora product? 
Qual é o vosso produto favorito da Sephora?


  1. That shade is gorgeous, I really love the Sephora formula. I have the shades 01 and 13 and they are lovely! I really don't understand the whole KJ Lip Kit "thing" they are so expensive and their are so many amazing formulas out there, that are so much cheaper.
    xxx Claire

    1. I also have 01! It's such a beautiful red. I definitely wanna get my mitts on 13, but always sold out 😭 I know! The formula of these Sephora stains is incredible for a tenth of the price. 💙



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