Sunday 23 December 2012

merry day before christmas eve

December Sun
Staring at the Sun
The Orange County
Balancing Act

Well, I've gotta hand it to ya, people who frequently photograph their looks for the hell of it...taking these photos was hella' awkward {and I think it shows!}. I'm not sure why, but I just wasn't feeling it. If you ever wanted to know what my awkward phase looks like, here you go. You're welcome. Anyway. 
Christmas Eve is tomorrow night! I bet everyone who loves Christmas is as jolly as one can be, running around in reindeer sweaters eating all kinds of food that can only be eaten during Christmas time, fantasizing about what kind of magical stuff will appear underneath that Christmas tree on the 25th...yeah, me? Not so much. Although I am jolly, seeing as temperatures hit almost 70ºF today and that's totally my kinda weather {see, I told ya me and California are MFEO!}. 
So here you go, some pics of the outside world today, my new-ish red hair, the leaves and the trees and the awesome sunny day that presented itself to me on the day before Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas, you jolly cute reindeer cutie pies! Hope Santa's super nice to ya. Leave him some cookies and milk...uh, okay. I have a 2 year old goddaughter. Sickeningly sweet talk about all things Santa comes with the job.


{ Primark Dress
Stradivarius Blazer
Parfois Shoes
ONE Watch}

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