Saturday, 22 September 2012

to the international department of high waisted trousers,

My name is Francisca. In case you have missed it, I'm 5'2''. In other words, I'm short. A shorty. Tiny. Super, get the point. I've come to terms with my height, so much that I've recently grown to love it. What I have not come to terms with is the lack of options you provide for people like me. Just because I'm tiny, doesn't mean my hips are. Or my thighs. Or my bottom. They're large, they're awesome and they don't fit in super duper low waisted, mega low waisted, hella' low waisted, or even plain low waisted trousers. However, all I see when I go shopping for your high waisted preciousness are the above mentioned fellas. This entails me yapping to my mom about such travesty, pledging to start a movement that would bring back high waisted pants, considering being an advocate for your kind. But between you and me, she's kinda tired. So I've decided to come to you, pleading for you to bring out more high waisted, nice fitting trousers so that my awesomely large hips and crazy cool thighs can look nice and pretty, too. I'm sorry it had to come to this; but the low waist mania just isn't cutting it. 


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