Thursday 28 May 2015

Bourjois 123 Perfect CC Cream

Bourjois are seriously one of the best brands out there. It's the sister brand of Chanel, except for the fraction of the price! Hooray!

Since I'm pretty much still averse to foundations and all their thickness, I'm only ever drawn to BB or CC creams. SO, when I laid eyes on this little tube of pixie dust and dreaminess, also known as Bourjois 123 Perfect CC Cream, I had to have it!

Of course, I wouldn't be myself if I didn't hmm and aah about it for the longest time, weighing the pros and cons - oily skin probs, you guys! - but the summer is coming up and a matte skin is no bueno, so dewy, luminous skin is a must. Anywhoo, let's get crackin'!

with without bourjois

Ladies and gents, here is the before and after shenanigans. First picture is my face straight out of bed {excuse me}, with all its pastiness and puffiness. Second picture is my face after applying the Bourjois 123 Perfect CC Cream {phew, longest name ever}. It really does make a difference, without feeling like you're slapping on kilos of foundation. It gives you a really natural looking complexion, it eliminates the need for concealer {yay!} and evens out your complexion. Look at me, looking so awake at 8am! Why? Well then...

Aqui têm o antes e o depois. A primeira foto é a minha carinha logo após sair da cama {choremos}, em toda a sua pálida e inchada glória. Na segunda foto, podem ver a minha carita depois de aplicar o Bourjois 123 Perfect CC Cream {nome nada enorme}. Faz mesmo a diferença, sem a necessidade de besuntar a cara com quilos de base. Dá-te um ar mesmo natural e nem precisas de aplicar corretor. Porquê? Ora bem...


This little tube of wander gives you 3 color correction pigments: apricot, to banish my skin's best friend, fatigue; green, to banish any redness on your pretty little faces; and white, to scare away any dark circles (mine love to knock on my door everyday). Also, it promises to give you luminous, smooth skin - and it delivers! Well done, Bourjois, you.

Este pequeno tubo milagroso dá-nos 3 pigmentos de correção de cor: uma tonalidade ali a fugir para o pêssego - recuso-me a chamar-lhe damasco! - para eliminar a minha melhor amiga, a fadiga; verde, para expulsar vermelhidões das nossas carinhas; e branco, para afugentar as olheiras, que insistem em bater à minha porta todos os dias. Além do mais, promete uma pele iluminada, e cumpre!


Slight, tiny, minuscule complaint... The shades. Sigh. There are 4 shades available, and I'm the shade 31 Ivory, the lightest of the bunch. For any fair skinned ladies like myself, it can prove a tad too dark. However, all the tanned, dark skinned ladies out there are well matched for, I think! You lucky sods.

O meu único problema são mesmo as tonalidades, tal como todas as meninas pálidas podem comprovar. Há 4 tons disponíveis, e eu uso a cor 31 Ivory, que é um nadinha mais escura que o meu tom de pele.


Now, the final verdict...I love it! It really shocked me just how much coverage this has for a CC cream. However, I will say that for oily skinned babes like myself, you do need to dab on some powder or your inner glow will shine through... massively. But I expected so anyway, and I still couldn't be happier with this product!

O meu veredicto... Adoro! Chocou-me a cobertura que este produto tem, sendo apenas um CC cream e não uma base propriamente dita. Porém, para meninas com a pele oleosa, devem na mesma pôr pó ou os nossos óleos naturais saem à rua em pouco tempo... Mas é algo que já esperava, e continuo a adorar este produto!

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