You know that moment when you fully comprehend just how tiny you are or the exact amount of milk your complexion can handle? Yep. I just had that moment. Sigh. Anyway. Hi loves! Can you believe Summer is coming to an end? It makes my heart shatter into tiny pieces inside my chest. I'm not ready to go into a depressing Winter all over again... Another sigh. Although August has definitely not been my month -- or 2013 my year altogether --, the time to enjoy the last 8 p.m. sunsets, the last days of sleeping with your bedroom window open, the last days to prance around in skimpy clothes is thankfully still here... well, until I'm finally living at home in California, where it's sunny year round. Yay! But that's another story altogether. Happy end of August, babes! Enjoy laying poolside and workout those bodies whenever you can! ♥
{ Primark Dress
Parfois Wedges }
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