Behold! Exhibit A: seemingly comfortable flats. We shall call them... Quiet Killers.
Exhibit B: apparent inability to crack a smile while wearing the QK. Yes, they get a nickname. At this point, the pain is at a 4/10, reaching 10/10 not one hour later. Shielding my eyes with the sunglasses was indeed necessary. The struggle was real, people.
I'm a high heels person. From the time I was old enough to get my first pair - nostalgic feelings? - I haven't stopped wearing them. I prefer the skyscraper type for my short stature, but we'll get on that later. The truth of the matter is, they're painful. Yes, they are. No denying that. I don't complain of sore feet, I don't moan about it. I choose to wear them, I choose to take on the pain, no matter how dramatic that sounded. Uh...
Anyway. Last Saturday, though, I had a few errands to run that required quite a bit of walking and sir, my shoes are not made for walking! So I picked up a pair of forgotten flats, truly confident they'd be super comfortable, walking on a cloud, my feet going to Feet Heaven, if there's such thing {my feet choose to believe so}. Not an hour later, I found myself wanting to cut the flats into tiny little pieces and chuck them off the highest hill in Portugal. Sweet Lord Almighty, did they cut my feet! But in counterbalance, I took it upon myself to complain. Oh yes, I did! Because I finally had the right to. I sense a small victory here. Comfortable footwear? Don't buy that fraudalicious preaching. Unless you're going for Uggs. Let's not even go there.
{ Stradivarius Shirt
Zara Chinos
Primark Flats
Pull&Bear Sunglasses }
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