Sunday, 26 August 2012


Here's the thing about me: I really, really, really don't like the beach. Maybe because I grew up in a place where Summer automatically means going to the beach {here's where I roll my eyes and mutter the word 'beach' with a lot of disdain...whoops}. Here, people give you the stink eye when you mention you don't like going to the beach, it's like you're suddenly this freak of nature. Well, sir, I don't care. You see, I'm more than happy to be whisked away to the nature, where there's nothing but green fields in sight, where I can snap away and run freely through the grass {okay. that last one doesn't happen. doesn't mean it couldn't ... heehee}. 
So last Sunday, I treated myself to a little trip. Destination: a little piece of Heaven on Earth. Pictures of said Heaven to follow ... didn't think I'd leave you high and dry, did you? 

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